Monday, November 12, 2007


November is - according to The Daily Yomiuri at least - a time to "celebrate parents' love for children" at the festival known as Shichigosan. And what better way to prove your love to kids by opening your wallet and haemorrhaging yen?

"Shichi-go-san" means "Seven-Five-Three", and it's a rite-of-passage for girls aged three and seven, and boys age three and five. On November 15 (seven + five + three - geddit?) or more likely the closest weekend, young people all over Japan visit their Shinto Shrine, dressed up to the nines, to be blessed with a long a prosperous life by the kannushi. That's the local vicar in these parts.

Jessica was well up for the significant amount of dressing-up required. The kimono is a complicated affair, comprising various layered undergarments accompanied by some eccentric accessories, including a wide belt (obi), split-toe socks (tabi), sandals (zori) and some brightly coloured dangly stuff (kanzashi) atop an elaborate hairstyle. Not relishing such foppery, my friend Alex and I made our excuses and left the girls to get on with it.

Now, back home we would have no doubt found a friendly alehouse and a football match to occupy the hour or so it took to get Jessica ready. Instead, we scuttled off to Starbucks round the corner and drank Gingerbread lattes. Oh, the shame, the shame...

More pix can be found here.


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