Monday, July 21, 2008

Where To Now?

So. After two fun-packed years in Japan, we're now back in Magherafelt, in the heart of Northern Ireland. I'd originally thought that this would be the end of the blogging, but now I'm not so sure. I may have poked fun at Kobe Port Tower-kun, but is he really that different from Diamond Dan, the Orangeman?

Looking like a cross between Peter Perfect and a much younger Ian Paisley, the blond-quiffed Diamond Dan has been created to soften the face of sectarianism and, according to Orange Order education officer David Scott, "to be a mentor for young people offering advice on a range of matters encompassing the general theme of civic responsibility". A superhero who doesn't drop litter and takes public transport on the off-chance that he might be able to offer his seat to an old lady, Dan overcame strong competition from the likes of Sash Gordon and the Boyne Wonder.

And then I open this week's Mid-Ulster Mail to find this delightful piece of retro-marketing. Forget the Long Tail, forget search engines, forget punctuation in fact - what your business really needs round these parts is leaflets....

Ah.. it's good to be back...