Monday, September 18, 2006

Squirty Bum Toilets

While the Japanese are not much cop at inventing things themselves, they are streets ahead of anyone else when it comes to taking other people's ideas and making them actually functional. Take the bidet, for example. Invented by the French, but kind of useless. Normally found adjacent to the toilet, it not only necessitates an undignified repositioning of one's buttocks but wastes space to boot.

The savvy and space-conscious Japanese not only make the whole bottom-cleaning process much easier but chuck in some microelectronics as well! Take a look at this little beauty - the INAX CW-RZ101...

By far the coolest gadget in the house (beating the gadget that remotely programmes the bath to fill at your preferred temperature and depth, because all of the instructions are in Japanese so we can't...), all you have to do is press a single button and hey presto!, a pleasant and effective cleansing. Blue for boys and pink for girls. Two nozzles for the ladies - front AND back bottom.

The one thing we don't quite understand though is the fact that there is another remote on the wall, in addition to the one shown on the picture here, a mere two inches to the right of one's bottom, and which we would have thought to have been more than adequate.

Even more bizarre is the fact that we discovered that the remote is detachable from the wall (see above). Given that the toilet is almost microscopic in its dimensions, we can only assume that this is for playing bottom-cleansing pranks on unsuspecting gaijin guests.

You have been warned....

And just in case you think I'm making this up, you can find out more here:

Important note: Sarah does not approve of this particular Blog entry.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off - love the blog. It's really great to see what you're all up to and the whole thing does that very well.

Also pleased that you've settled in well.

I am, though, deeply jealous of all the great Japanese food available to you, such as Kobie beef, Tapan Yaki (sp?), Tempura, Terri Yaki, and Suki Yaki even though I'm not one for the raw fish and sea urchins - as I've just relayed to Sarah on Skype.

I also told her,

"Ah, so glad you have a Squirty Bum Toilet! I've been telling people about these for years and no one ever believes me.

What really stops them believing is when I tell them they're remote controlled and explain my theory - that it's to make sure that granny stays clean!

She wrote back saying that, actually, that's exactly the idea - or so she was told. Eeek!

Keep up the blogging!



8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steve!

Can you get a deluxe version - one that doubles up as a power shower? Now that would have been a nice gadget to use on one of my ex co-workers...

Or do you think the idea of sticking your head down the pan for a full shampoo would be a non-seller?

Great blog!


10:08 PM  

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